Lifestyle Options Program
The Community Arts Precinct (CAP) at Wellington Point continues to be a place of laughter, learning and friendships and provides a friendly base for participants with a disability to maintain and enhance their independence through informal and responsive supports.
The precinct aims to assist participants to
- promote independence and participation within the community
- facilitate positive outcomes and opportunities
- develop independent skills to manage such tasks as cooking, budgeting, cleaning and travel training
- participation and social activities
- health and well being
- facilitate access to training and other educational opportunities.
All participants are supported by qualified educators who endeavour to empower clients with control and choice in all aspects of their life.
Community Arts Precinct
Community Living
Connect2Community provides a range of flexible, supported living options that assist people to develop and maintain living skills.
We provide an environment where all people are treated with dignity, respect and fairness. We recognise that each person is unique in their support, development and living needs.
We offer a range of services from high support 24/7 to drop-in support for people living in the community.
Independent Living / Supported Living
People live in a range of accommodation options and styles of their choice. These can include private rental, family homes, departmental housing and facilities managed by Connect2Community.
People are assisted depending on their skills and needs.